Paper Engineer and Illustrator

And His. And Her.

A series of cards of alliterative oddballs.

Arthur and his aggressive ass

Arthur and his aggressive ass

A series of cards featuring a cast of oddities. I liked the alliterative nonsense of a name combined with 'and his or her...' as a starting point for their design.

Clarence and his clairvoyant clarinet

Clarence and his clairvoyant clarinet

Eloise and her Escaping Escargot

Eloise and her Escaping Escargot

Elvis and his eleven elva

Elvis and his eleven elva

Freddy and his flirtatious fringe

Freddy and his flirtatious fringe

Hendrick and his healing hands

Hendrick and his healing hands

Ibsen and his ibex index

Ibsen and his ibex index

Jerry and his Jealous jellyfish

Jerry and his Jealous jellyfish

Kirsty and her kitsch kangaroo

Kirsty and her kitsch kangaroo

Malcolm and his mucky macintosh

Malcolm and his mucky macintosh

Matty and his mole mangler

Matty and his mole mangler

Paul and his posh parrot

Paul and his posh parrot