Paper Engineer and Illustrator


 I was commissioned to illustrate a book of poems for children.

I was commissioned to illustrate a book of poems for children.

 A selection of spreads, and close up details from this project.

A selection of spreads, and close up details from this project.

 Mostly done in coloured pencil and watercolour, with a small amount of photoshop for some added textures.

Mostly done in coloured pencil and watercolour, with a small amount of photoshop for some added textures.

pg 20 cu.jpg
pg 17 cu.jpg
spread 18+19.jpg
pg 11 cu.jpg
pg 21 cu 2.jpg
pg 10 cu.jpg
spread 8+9 cu.jpg
spread 4+5 copy.jpg
spread 2+3 detail.jpg